I use Victorinox with a small saw, screwdriver and a bottle screw for years – 126 g. And I finally understand that I won’t open a bottle of wine in mountains, I can’t use a knife on the airport because it’s already packed in a checked-in backpack… and I don’t use the screwdriver and the saw in practice also. So I started to carry a knife Fiskars K40 – costs 180 CZK and weights 71 grams. Another 81 grams saved. |
A KNIFE2016-11-282017-01-31https://elspeedo.cz/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/elspeedo_logo_2020.pngEl Speedohttps://elspeedo.cz/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/fiskarsk40-250x150.jpg200px200px