Thermalling Course in Italy, May 2017

Monte Grappa is a beautiful mountain at the foot of the Alps, hidden behind the high mountains of the Dolomites, which make it with its majestic protection the terrain with the greatest number of flight days wide. The weather was beautiful, so it was a great pleasure to be surprised that we were in a high pressure and windless at the beginning of the season, almost the whole mountain just for ourselves, only a handful of other pilots had come to fly the last day. On the first day of the trip, we met Italy with a very experienced Giro race, which was just over Grappa, so we set out to fly to the first hill behind Grappa, the first alpine valley to Feltre where we tried two startups and greeted with the first perpendicular Rocky ridges. In order to explore Monte Grappu as much as possible, we flew from four different start-ups, and we managed to fly through the beautiful sunset from the highest start, we enjoyed a half hour of free flight around the beautiful crest without any intervention in the steering. It was almost summer in Italy, just as the cherries matured, and on the day of departure a cold front was beginning to come from the north, the timing could not have been better. Next time we will go as the cold front passes to learn to fly in even stronger heat and higher suits and they can fly up to the top and make a stop at the restaurant with a stop for excellent Italian coffee 😉 And how good there is a pizza and Spaghetti and wine right at the foot of this really steep mountain with amazing flying … come to experience with us on the next trip. Zdenek and Honza

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