We had been receiving more and more questions about the possibility of registering flights on El Speedo paragliders in XContest – a worldwide cross country flying competition. And so we started to solve it and the result is the addition of El Speedo paragliders to the XContest database.
El Speedo paragliders have been designed by Alexei Rakov for several years and the production takes place in the Sky Country company. The paragliders are certified by the Swiss company Air Turquoise SA under their Sky Country names. However, El Speedo paragliders have their own names for the Czech market (Bobby, Freddie, Jimmy, Ozzy, Janis, Olivier, …). If you have already entered your flying performance on the EL Speedo paraglider under its certification name, you can change it to the El Speedo name retrospectively.
In the menu My flights (in ČPP or in the World) in the column “action” just click on “edit flight” and there select your paraglider and then confirm with the button “send” and that’s it.
Let it thrive not only in the air