How to get a pilot’s license?
During our Basic Course we prepared you practically and theoretically for a final examinations. You’ve had fulfilled the training syllabus and in the end of your course you passed the examinations with the Paragliding operations inspector LAA CR. If you succeeded, and would like to continue on independent flying, you certainly want to know how to arrange it. You hold your personal certificate, an envelope with the LAA ČR address on it that you found in our gift bag, and may need to be reminded what to do…

Pilot licenses in the Czech Republic are issued solely by the Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (LAA CR). Independent flying only with confirmed Personal certificate is forbidden!

To apply for and obtain a PILOT license therefore you will need:

Personal certificate confirmed by a paragliding operational inspector. If the pilot was granted a relief from the training it must be accompanied by copies of all documents (pilot licenses) under which relief was granted. The Personal certificate is valid 90 days following the final practical examination.

The medical ability examination ICAO Class II. For free (non-powered) solo flying it is possible to get a medical check from a Czech general practitioner (this examination you have probably passed together with another students at the beginning of our course and as such it is certified in your Personal certificate).

A color passport size photograph – legibly marked with your name. It can also be digitized and sent via e-mail,

Proof of payment of the administrative fee. If you are also applying to register any other qualifications, fees add up. Personal visit of LAA CR is possible to make the payment in cash on the spot. Credit/debit cards are not accepted by LAA CR.
Fees for issuing pilot licenses

Current LAA CR fee for issuing a new pilot license is CZK 1,800. Solo, free flying (non-powered) Pilot license is valid for 10 years and the medical examination is valid for up to 60 years of age. After your 60’s birthday you will need a medical examination (just from a GP) repeated every 2 years. More information can be found directly on the site

Now you know that you just need the evidence listed above along with a photo inserted into the prepared envelope and toss it in the mail. Within 10 days your brand new Pilot license will arrive at your address and your individual flying in the Czech Republic is legalized.

If you need a valid license for flying out of the Czech Republic, find your nearest paragliding operations inspector of LAA CR who saw you flying and buy an IPPI card from him (price normally 200 CZK). This should, in combination with Czech pilot license, provide legal flying all around the world. IPPI card validity is unlimited in time, but linked to the validity of Czech pilot license.

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