WHERE: Beskydy, Czech Republic. Beskydská škola létání
WHEN: We start on Saturday and finish on Friday
WHAT: Full training for obtaining the pilot licence including examination of your skills by a flight inspector
PRICE: 12 990 CZK
During the elementary paragliding course you will experience unforgettable days within enthusiastic group of people. Join us, it is worth it.

Complete training in Beskydy Flying School
(The best value for your money)

Included in the CZK 12990 price

  • The work of instructors (practical and theoretical tuition)
  • Lending of a complete paragliding gear
  • Lending of a walkie-talkie
  • Lending of variometer for better training of thermalling
  • Lending of a text books
  • Mandatory third-party insurance
  • Flying on our private starting and landing sites
  • Transportation around training spots where possible
  • Final examination by a flight inspector
  • Free WI-FI zone
  • Pictures from the whole course

You will also get

  • Online theoretical prepration before the course
  • One-year subscription on www.eparagliding.cz website (990 CZK)
  • The El Speedo CLUB PILOT licence for free assistance by El Speedo instructor
  • A gift bag

You can also order

  • Accommodation in Flight Park Javorový (550 CZK per night)
  • 50 % discount for a tandem flight for your relatives and friends during the course
  • Intermediate glider of EN-B category (500 CZK)
  • Obligatory medical check (200 CZK, we do this together during first phase of the course)
  • Breakfast and dinner



Take advantage of the best step by step way of training which we are using for our clients in our training centres. We use your time effectively both in and outside the course – and that is what you want, right? 🙂

The price of El Speedo elementary course includes:

  • Online preparation before the course

    Right after paying of the deposit, you will get access to your one-year account STUDENT on e-learning part of our website where you can find section with online preparation before the course.

  • Text book PARAGLIDING

    It is up to you if you want to get the book in advance to your home adress or you want to get it on the first day of the course. You will make this decision while making an application.

  • Training of basics

    Intensive training with our instructors is fun. Every day we get ready before the flight tasks, we fly and lead you to individual, independent flying.


    The training exercises, possible failures and fine execution of a task is recorded in real time into our smart-phone application. This data is uploaded to your personal account so you have it any time you need it.

  • Flying with the overseeing of an instructor

    We are on our starting sites every flyable day. We will tune your radio to our frequency and therefore our instructors will take care for you during your start and landing.

Are you looking for a shorter course, rather a tasting? Then you will definitely be interested in:

Beskydy Flying School Introductory course

2 + 2 days of practical and theoretical training (2 training days, 2 additional days in case of bad weather)

The CZK 6900 price includes

  • Work of instructors (theoretical and practical lessons)
  • Rental of complete paragliding equipment
  • Rental of radio stations
  • Lending of books
  • Mandatory third-party insurance
  • Training at our private take offs and fields
  • As far as possible, transport to the training site and transfer between the different locations
  • Free WI-FI zone
  • Action photos of the course

In addition to the price you get

  • The book PARAGLIDING worth CZK 200
  • On-line theoretical preparation before the course
  • Year subscription to the Student account at the training site www.eparagliding.cz worth CZK 990
  • gift package

You can also order

  • Accommodation in Flight Park Javorový (300 CZK per night)
  • 50 % discount for a tandem flight for your relatives and friends during the course
  • Breakfast and dinner

Beskydy Mountains too far and looking for training in the vicinity of Prague? Then this is for you:

ALTO Paragliding School Elementary courses

4 days of intrudoctory training in Prague and 5 days in the Beskydy Mountains or abroad at higher terrains

It’s never too late to start flying…

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