Safe usage of a paraglider is highly dependent on regular servicing and maintenance.

If handled with care and stored appropriately, your paraglider can serve well for many years. Conversely, neglecting maintenance, bad storage and the use of unsuitable cleaning agents may significantly reduce the life of your paragliding equipment, or even make it potentially dangerous.

To extend the lifespan of El Speedo paragliders follow these rules:

– Choose start places with minimal risk of catching the paraglider on roots or rocks. This unnecessarily increases the possibility of damage to cords, loops or canopy. Do not step on lines when preparing for launch or packing your paraglider.

– During landing do not let the canopy fall forward over your head and hit the ground with its leading edge. The pressure surge can cause serious damage inside the canopy.

– Do not make knots on the lines, it could damage the inside fibers.

– Try to manipulate the paraglider so as to avoid the unnecessary mechanical stress. Pulling it over any sharp surfaces significantly reduces the life of the canopy.

– Do not expose your paraglider to sun’s UV rays unnecessarily. Long sitting at the take off with the paraglider outspread reduces the lifespan of your equipment. Likewise, the material is destroyed by storage in damp condition. The coating stiffness of the fabric degrades inside and outside and there is a risk of fungal decay. But do not dry your equipment in direct sunlight.

– Make sure that your paraglider is stored or transported at temperatures lower than 50° C.

– Avoid contact of paragliding equipment with seawater. If that happens, rinse your equipment with fresh water very thoroughly as soon as possible.

– Use protective inner bag for storing paraglider in a backpack.

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