How to take care of El Speedo equipment?

Safe usage of a paraglider is highly dependent on regular servicing and maintenance. If handled with care and stored appropriately, your paraglider can serve well for many years. Conversely, neglecting maintenance, bad storage and the use of unsuitable cleaning agents may significantly reduce the life of your paragliding equipment, or even make it potentially dangerous. […]

Training center laws and prescriptions

In our paragliding training center we train new pilots, educate advanced pilots and also prepare future professional pilots. Administration of sport flying, including issuing necessary licenses is, in the Czech Republic, solely managed by the LAA ČR (Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic) on behalf of the Ministry of Transport. Tuition and licenses issuing […]

How to apply for the next El Speedo Pilot level?

El Speedo Pilot level is verified and confirmed by an El Speedo instructor during courses and elsewhere. The acquired level is written in the system either directly by an instructor using the PES or in El Speedo office at the initiative of the instructor. This information is part of your El Speedo account and when […]

How to enable older El Speedo Account?

It’s possible that your El Speedo account has not been used for a long time and you forgot the log-in details. Then we have two options: Via the link “LOGIN” on you can apply for a new password to your e-mail address. If you do not know what e-mail address you have used to […]

Technical information

Paragliders BOBBY (EN A paraglider) FREDDIE 2 (EN B paraglider) JIMMY 2 (EN B paraglider) OZZY (EN C paraglider) OZZY 2 (EN C paraglider) JANIS (EN D paraglider) DON ČÍČO (tandem EN B paraglider) OLIVIER (tandem EN B paraglider) Paragliding harnesses FUERTA WANAKA 2 CHOGORI (verze XC a Light, modely 2015) MT. COOK Rescue parachutes […]

Radio programming

In El Speedo shop, you can buy two-way radios for communication with your flying friends or any other hobby activity. And also you can use them during our courses or to be in connection with an instructor who is having a course during your individual flying at the same spot. The easiest way to get […]


The need of a paraglider repair can be found during a technical inspection or just by yourself during a daily check or after a tree landing etc. When repacking a reserve parachute we can also find a need of repair of your harness. You can consult our instructors directly on the flying terrain or bring […]

Technical certificates

In the Czech Republic, every paraglider must also be issued the Technical certificate. This is a card with the model, size and the serial number of the glider on the front side and the records of periodical inspections on the rear side. It is blue A-type for certified paragliders and yellow Z-type for series-produced non […]

Glider periodic inspections

Technical inspections, also called two-year-check, of paragliders give their owners regular information about condition in which their gliders are. During an inspection, a glider can be repaired and amended for future safe flying. The strength of the canopy material, sewing integrity, strength and dimensions of lines and risers are checked both visually and by precise […]

Reserve parachute repacking

In the Czech Republic having a reserve parachute system on board is mandatory whilst flying higher than 150 m AGL. But this is the prescription and it does’t mean that in lower heights it wouldn’t work! The use of reserve parachute goes in several stages and some of the most important are pulling it out [...]