There are several types of insurance that a paraglider pilot might use in a case of an accident. One of them, the liability insurance of damage caused by paraglider operation, is even mandatory in some countries including the Czech Republic. And usually also a minimum amount of cover is prescribed.

If you travel after paragliding abroad, travel insurance of medical costs and transport could come in hand. And that even in EU countries where medical care for EU citizens with their own home-country health insurance is granted for the same cost like for a resident.

If you got in trouble in mountains with little or no chance to move, you could need a search and rescue action or probably a helicopter transport. A special insurance usually sold as a part of another insurance product is needed to cover the emergency rescue costs.

Life and injury insurance is another product promising money in case of a damage of one’s body and health and it is a matter of everyone’s own consideration.

Damage of your own material possessions during your sport activities should be covered by a liability insurance usually connected to your household insurance, if you have one.

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