Pravidelně se o této pojistce bavíme na našich kurzech a pravidelně jsem ji zapomínal doplnit do naší El Speedo webové Podpory. Konečně jsem se k tomu dostal a tak bych vás chtěl informovat o možnosti, jak si zajistit pojištění na záchranou akci pro různé horské i vodní aktivity – tedy včetně paraglidingu s plněním do 15.000 Euro a to za velmi příjemných a zajímavých 24 Euro ročně. Jen připomínám, že hodinová sazba za záchranný tým s helikoptérou se v Rakousku pohybuje kolem 2500 Euro. Osobně mi to kdysi doporučil šéf horské služby v rakouském Halštatu a tak jsem si ji rovnou zařídil. He, že bych to hodlal využít, ale hlavně proto, že je to přímá podpora horské služby a to se mi líbí.

Österreichischer Bergrettungsdienst
– a worldwide safety fuse for EUR 24
We’ll get you out of danger
The world of mountains has prepared for its visitors a wide range of incredible beauties, adventures, versatile sports opportunities and relaxing experiences in nature. But on all human business, whether on hiking, mountaineering, skiing, peaks, downhill or Canyoning, the objective and subjective danger is your permanent guide.
Neither caution, good planning nor the highest experience make you invulnerable. A bad step, a relaxed stone, a tide of weakness. The range of unpredictable situations is wide. And when something happens, fast and effective help is needed.
Responsible behavior in the mountains and in all nature is a basic prerequisite. But there is not always happiness at our side. Although all mountain rescuers work as volunteers for free, it requires a high level of training and state-of-the-art equipment. That is why the mountain service in the emergency room can no longer be free of charge. So we have found the ideal solution. We offer you insurable insurance to cover the cost of rescue operations.
Cost-effective and efficient
Family insurance costs only 24 Euros. As a supporter of the Salzburg mountain service. This will help fund equipment and training. As an oversight, it is only in Austria that around 11,000 mountain rescuers can provide you with effective help. In the rocks, on the ice, on the slopes and on the tourist paths.
For a relatively small fee of 24 Euro per year, the Mountain Insurance Company assumes the cost of your rescue in the event of an accident. Inland and abroad. For you, your family or your family. A cohabite in a common household. Also included are children under the age of 18. Our offer is worldwide – including land and air rescue operations in mountains and water up to € 15,000.
Rescue actions on slopes and aerial sports are also included.
Pay your support deposit to Salzburger Sparkasse (BLZ 20404, IBAN: AT142040400000002618, BIC: SBGSAT2S) at Salzburger Sparkasse (Salzburger Sparkasse) at the Osterreichischer Bergrettungsdienst Land Salzburg and from the next day you will be insured for one year. Take advantage of the possibility of paying a credit card from the internet.
For more information, please contact: +43 (0) 662 830 888
And so the rescuers are prepared:
1 week of climbing in the rocks
1 week training on ice
1 week winter course
4 days of health and medical training as well as ongoing exercises in all 44 local groups in Salzburg. From nodal technology to the rapid deployment of technical life-saving aids, through coupling techniques and psychological care of members, to regular exercise in the rocks of snow and ice.
As a supporter you can feel protected in the true sense of the word. At the same time, you will support our socially useful organization. Thank you.
Emergency calls in the mountains
In principle, the emergency call is ALPIN-NOTRUF 140 – that is the Alpha Emergency Call on the phone number 140 from both the fixed line and the satellite mobile phone in order to mobilize rescue action as quickly as possible.
In the Land of Salzburg, a landless telephone number 140 from a fixed network or via GSM / satellite mobile / reaches a non-stop service to the District Red Cross Rescue Station.
This is followed by the turnaround of the relevant mountain station.
This alarm comes from the Red Cross headquarters via SMS-message to GSM to the appropriate rescuers.
At the same time, parallel alarming is being carried out via the so-called Salzburg Pager Network of Rescue Stations.
This is a stand-alone, public communications network, an independent infrastructure to alert all rescue units throughout the federal state.
This alarm system provides alarm alerts for several hours in the event of disasters (failure of the public supply network – like a current and telephone).
What can I do when my operator is not reachable?
I will try to call for help via the international GSM-112 emergency call service.
There are situations where it is not possible to call assistance via the Austrian national emergency call on the numbers 140,122,133,144, etc. This is for example: the reception of the own operator is bad or not possible at all. A tourist in distress has only a foreign operator’s mobile.
What is GSM-Sevice Emergency Call?
During the development of GSM, the emergency call service was taken into consideration to create a unified and reliable system for all GSM networks and all GSM.
How does this system work?
Unlike fixed telephony networks, an emergency call service was introduced in the GSM network. Each mobile phone has the ability to enter a special emergency call into the network. This makes this emergency call very easy to distinguish from a normal phone call. This has several advantages:
– Such a call has the highest priority. If necessary, normal calls will be interrupted to release the line.
– Emergency calls can be made without a PIN or even without a SIM card.
– All mobile phones are tested for Emergency Call capability during type approval.
– The single emergency call number is 112.
How is it alarmed via an international emergency call 112?
If the reception or the quality of the call is very poor, it can help turn the mobile phone off and on again, but not enter a PIN. Without your PIN, your cellphone does not know your operator and first tries to find the strongest network in your area to be ready for emergency calls. Then choose 112 and call to start the call via a foreign operator.
The emergency call is diverted to number 133 in Austria, so the caller gets a police emergency call. This is followed by the arming of the respective rescue forces.
Tips for your mountain hike:
Basically, one should not be alone in an alpine environment, but there are situations that require it or the need for a person to enjoy mountain beauty.
That is why we appeal to all visitors to the mountains, whether holidaymakers, summer and winter lovers, mountain bikers, skiers or climbers, to follow the guidelines in all seasons.
– Use the right equipment (shoes, clothing, weather protection, food and drink).
– Tell the members of your group or relatives or accomplices where you are going and when you intend to return.
-Turn on your charged mobile and leave your mobile number.
-Because your mobile does not have a signal everywhere, write your name in the guestbooks of visited chat or top-level books to make it easier for you to track down a rescue team.
– If you decide to change the route or plan an overnight stay, notify the property owner or your staff.
-Discuse call number 140 for the Alps and International calling number 112 and their use.
The text of this insurance is taken from the provider’s website: