We hope that you are able to walk through the quarantine period somewhat and that you will find positive motives how to stand it. At the Beskydy in El Speedo paragliding school we use the forced postponement of the paragliding season to fine-tune the teaching materials and to prepare online lessons. We do everything we can to get you and new people interested in flying in the lessons according to current possibilities. We have reformatted our basic training courses so that we are able to lead them according to actual conditions in the form of individual training or training in smaller training groups.
So if you or your friends are looking for a chance to enjoy active relaxation in the Czech Republic, then check out our offer at https://elspeedo.cz/en/courses-all/ . The only change is that the size of the training group will be chosen according to what the current regulation allows. Please send us a non-binding application so that we know about you and we can inform you in time about further procedures and possibilities. And after paying E-lessons you have not only a reserved place in your chosen term, but mainly access to online paragliding training. So you can now gradually prepare for what awaits us together and then enjoy it.
Dalibor Carbol and El Speedo team
Dalibor Carbol a El Speedo team
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