I live right under Prasiva hill in Beskydy. I see directly on the hill form my window. There are always regular groups of paragliders hanging in the air over the hill when the stronger southern and southwest winds flow. Pilots may have gone higher and then further into space for XC flights. Just maybe some do not know how to do it.
I would like to advise you, if you want, how to realize XC flight with a strong south or southwest wind. It’s drawn on a map. The orange rounds are the most common climbing thermal streams, and arrows mean flight options.

The main reason is, that because of the shape of hill and terrain around Prasive it is more advantageous in this wind to fly a little bit against the wind on the western rib from Cupel hill.
On the Cupel hill there is a terrain in front of the hill to create thermals more advantageous. Just wait there for the thermals and if nothing, you can simply go back to Prasiva hill. It’s a bit worse with the landing under Cupel hill. So I recommend this variant to more experienced pilots.
Above Velka Prasiva there is another more marked climbing thermal stream. Ftom here you can fly to Javorovy hill and Poland.
Enjoy …