KATUSHA 2017 – nabroušená a plná změn!
Udělejte si čas – 16. 9. 2017 na startu!
Udělejte si čas – 16. 9. 2017 na startu!
Zrovna jsme na Javorovém dolétali výškové lety s novými piloty a koukám, kdo to jde od parkoviště – podivně známý úsměv, povědomá postava – Balda!
Až se budete chystat na návštěvu tohoto letového terénu s J a Jz startovištěm, určitě přijde vhod…
I was flying again …
Pilots regularly ask us, we regularly respond and we have prepared an on-line cost calculator for the older glider.
Legend Returns – HONZAIM paragliding start!
In the end, we have chosen a very open approach – information processed through Google Maps with maximum support for direct navigation to the location we choose…
It took longer than we wanted. But we’ve already installed updated version of The El Speedo weather probes on our new site. Upgrades include new graphics and views, as well as new features.
We did a lot of work and without you it could be done very stiff…
Your big interest in El Speedo harnesses is making us very happy and encouraged. We are motivated for their further improvement and development.