The 2021 Basic training season in Beskydy Flying School has started :-)
Despite the unfavourable weather forecast a few had come to start their new life experience… We will be back!
New El Speedo paraglider designs for 2021
New color schemes of Freddie2 and Jimmy3 as seen on Lemmy nad Ozzy3…
Our Elementary Paragliding Courses in 2021
We recommend to get tested before the course and we will obey actual anti-pandemic rules; flying is allowed…
February SAFETY PARASEM made real
In the demanding conditions of the current state of emergency, we managed to help the pilots in this year’s first SAFETY PARASEM in checking their rescue systems and repacking their reserve parachutes. We did everything necessary in a calm atmosphere and I would like to thank everyone once again for their cooperation and adherence to […]
Support Javorový and Prašivá flying terrains
Annual pilot contribution of CZK 500 or CZK 1000 and get a pair of El Speedo CHAN TENGRI Summer flying gloves…
PARASEM 20 – 21 February 2021 in Beskydy – restrictions
Lectures and training for instructors, assistants and pilots in charge of repacking reserve parachutes…